12 June 2005

email minutiae. (2)

it is to Barker that i owe many proverbially wasted minutes of my day, and i can't bear the thought that this stuff evaporates into the ether without at least a chuckle or two. so onwards, more minutiae...

on the panic of apartment hunting.

Calm thy self, Virginia Wolf.

i know. GAH! where is my coat?! where are my rocks?! where is the river?!

Stop it.

could i live in the river?

No. At least not for long. Well. Maybe if you keep your head above water.

erg. what if it's the wrong place?
i know.
but what if it is?

Quit it.

i'm trying.
(what if it is?)

Stop it.

perhaps i could build a dam.

Ahem. That would make you a beaver.


on tattoos and winkles.


Not ON my winkle, on my tummy silly!


Heh heh.

heheh Nothing. no directional flames.

How about travel stamps? Use-by-date stamps? Chaste arrows and dotted lines?
Cut-along-dotted-line directions?

harrumph. how 'bout "RETURN TO SENDER".



on sheltered existence.

you Obviously live under a rock.

Well duh.

it's okay. it's an easier transition to the cemetery when the time comes.

I've already picked out my urn.


on morals and ethics.

... I think it's important to discern ethics
from morals.

sigh. okay. i'm not feeling moral or ethical today.

Hmmm... What's that like for you?


stef lenk said...

oh no. i meant it in a Good way.
my social skills are going to Hell along with my mind.
may the volleys continue unabated, Sir Barker!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your apartment hunt, Stef! I don't know what kind of place you're looking for, but I have a friend who is looking for a fourth roommate, if you're into living with three other people. Drop me an e-mail if you're interested, I'll get you the deets. Cheers!