09 April 2005

Shakespeare did get one thing right.

i was talking with two close friends, what, a week ago, perhaps? about the nature of tragedy. the works of shakespeare became implicit, since he kind of coined the term.

what is the opposite of tragedy?
not comedy?
comedy only means you get out alive.


Anonymous said...

Comedy is the Compromised reMedy between tragedy and it's Opposite (which i agree is denial, or delusion). it involves a perceptual shift though; when you no longer delude or deny reality, your only hope of glorious, fantastical disconnect is to bear Wit ness.

Anonymous said...

If that's the case, what is the opposite of denial?

"The opposite of denial is de sand": old Egyptian joke....

Denial is an essential component of tragedy: if the central character weren't denying reality, we might have pathos ("Oh look, a heavy rock is about to fall on me head, how sad..."), but not tragedy. By their inability or unwillingness to accept reality, heroes participate in their fate.

Hamlet denies he can't restore Denmark to an unweeded garden; Macbeth denies that things change when you murder people; Adam and Eve deny that if you break His one rule, you in deep doo-doo. And so on.

Tragedy shows a world in which your imperfections doom you, while comedy asserts that you can survive in spite (or because of!) those same imperfections.

Christine Estima said...

oh stef, you are the jam in my jelly roll. you are the apple of my eye, the cream in my cofee, i tells ya. although Shakespeare didn't use a Pentium chip with 512 meg of ram on board, if he had, you would have designed his img src's, with your nekkid spine ladies . . . you are my geek queen. xoxox

stef lenk said...

hmm. i like that.
tragedy shows a world in which your imperfections doom you, while comedy asserts that you can survive in spite (or because of!) those same imperfections.

perhaps the opposite of denial is acceptance, and people who accept things in this day and age without questioning them (hell, in any day and age without questioning) need to be Very very careful.
for they are courting tragedy.
opposites attract, you understand.

denial vs. acceptance.
=(denial vs. tragedy.)

therefore tragedy=acceptance/acceptance=tragedy.
denial, well denial=denial. straight up.

(i'm a ruddy great mathematical genius.)

which brings me back to: the opposite of denial (acceptance) is tragedy.


let's face it; life is tough. but since no one gets out of this world alive, there are two routes: tragedy, where you wallow in the above, and denial, where you pretend it's a moot point, and live it up. which is, i might venture to point out, a comedy.


Anonymous said...

if t = a spiritual quality, then:
tragedy becomes
if you add a transformative (Opposing) (e)nergy to RAGE it becomes
EAG(e)R = intense desire, keen interest, impatient expectancy.
(t+rage+die) + sublime (e)----->
= t+eager+die
= a spiritual quality + intense desire + destroyed by intense desire (as in "to die for")
= come.die
where (come) = to arrive, or occur in the mind, to have an orgasm
= to arrive at a certain death
= tragedy
= comedy

Tragedy and Comedy are Equal And Opposing forces.


Anonymous said...

any tragic incident that one manages to survive inevitably becomes comical in retrospect, Everyone NEEDS tragedy ("oh woe is me" [whatever, I was once a sad goth kid who listened to the cure waay too much]) in order to appreciate the comical significance of existing as we know it.
If you deny your tragic experiences by means of avoidance, you sink even further into the cesspool of tradgedy, which isn't comical at all.
That's what I meant when I said the opposite of tragedy is denial.