01 August 2005

life in bowmanville.

i'm going to try to resist posting the 49+ photos i took of our campfires and of the clouds, and focus instead on photos indicative of the cultural significance of our camping trip...this from jolly Bowmanville, where we got victuals before plowing into the national park...


Paula said...

Hmmm...thanks for posting this, Stef.

I have a senior handy that I was hoping to sell.

Thanks again!

stef lenk said...

mmmmm. senior.
what does he look like?
a spry old gent in a plaid suit? yes PLEASE.

Paula said...

Indeed that's him.

His name is Arthur...he's very kind and smells slightly of mothballs.

not that moths have balls mind you. Or maybe they do? I really don't know.

stef lenk said...

moth balls.

Paula said...

I just had a mental image that I think might be too disturbing ot share....


stef lenk said...

i was going to say "share it share it share it!" and then realized the context in which you wrote this comment, and now i say "don't share it don't share it don't share it"